CSS Policy on Overlapping Conference/Journal Submissions

The CSS Policy on overlapping submissions is as follows: identical submission for publication to a conference record , or as a journal article, book chapter, or for publication in a second conference record etc  is not allowed. Publication of an idea or result in both conference proceedings and journal publication may be considered acceptable, provided:

  1. There is value added material as well as novelty in the journal version of the writeup. "Value added material" may be interpreted as:
    1. detailed or significantly improved proofs of theorems
    2. experimental, theoretical, or numerical results that expand the range of the results originally presented
    3.  detailed description of practical implementation of the results 

      The criterion of "value added material" will be enforced at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief
  2. The journal version cites the conference version and the author should inform the journal editor about all related submissions that might be regarded as significantly overlapping, redundant or duplicate publication. The author should explain the overlap, as well as the novelty of the journal submission. The conference version (accepted or submitted) should be made available for the review process of the journal version (for example, by posting it on a freely accessible website).
  3. The conference version is submitted first, and the journal version normally is not submitted prior to receiving the reviews from the conference editorial process. If the expanded version with the "substantially different material"  is submitted to the journal before receiving the reviews from the conference editorial process , the authors need to agree to the following: "should both versions be accepted, then the final conference version will also be provided to the journal editors so they can check for the "substantially different material" criteria.